Useful Links Library

This Document creates a base for UK documentation you may require.
If there's anything that's not included, please email: 

Planning Applications

Applying for Grid Connections (DNO and G99)

The Distributed Network Operator (DNO) in the UK decides whether or not an electrical generation device can be connected to the grid.  The Registration process is outlined here for homes and small businesses. 

To connect a device that requires synchronising to the grid,  a G99 connection is required. 

Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD)

A medium plant is any combustion plant with a rated thermal input between 1 and 50MW. This means in generators - check specification sheets but a general rule is that the electrical output of a generator is 30-35% of the Thermal rating.

The MCPD is a result of the  EU law 2015/2193  that defines pollutants from medium combustion plants.  The UK government site is easier to read for getting a permit in the UK. 

RTFC Guidance

 Road Transport Fuel Obligations (RTFOs)  are the system that provide RTFC's (Credits) for the use of renewable fuels in Road vehicles, mobile generators or mobile machinery.

Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Conversion

If you'd like to convert a fuel or emission into CO2e,  UK government numbers are a good baseline for UK usage. 

COMAH Storage Limits

 The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)  defines the required methodology and limits for sites storing fuels and reactive materials.

To determine quickly for storage of fuel,  use this table link  which is the section of COMAH that defines categories and storage limits.